飛ばない “Oculus Touch” / Don’t fly “Oculus Touch”
※ “Oculus Touch” は、Quest2 標準添付のコントローラです。
※ “Touch Pro” (QuestPro) の場合は、社外品のストラップを利用した方が良いです。
※ “Touch Plus” (Quest3) の場合は、別売りのアクティブストラップを利用した方が良いです。
※ “Oculus Touch” is a controller that comes standard with Quest2.
※ For “Touch Pro” (QuestPro), it is better to use straps (Third-party).
※ For “Touch Plus” (Quest3), it is better to use active strap (sold separately).
ストラップ組み換え / Reassembly normal strap to another style
Oculus Touch を落ちにくく出来ます。
You can make the Oculus Touch hard to fall off.
All you have to do is hang a standard strap around the ring as shown in the picture.
If you put your middle finger inside the strap when you hold it, the controller will not fly in the sky.
両面テープ固定 / Double-sided tape
Oculus Touch を落ちにくく出来ます。
※ 出所 : ひよこ師匠(hiyoko)@VRartist https://twitter.com/Piyo_master, 2022/04/15(土)
You can make the Oculus Touch hard to fall off.
It is easy to distinguish the left and right controllers by changing the color on the left and right.
※ Source : Twitter : ひよこ師匠(hiyoko)@VRartist https://twitter.com/Piyo_master, Sat,/15th/April/2022
Metaアカウント移行は端末をガーディアン内に/Please standby web-terminal in your guardian at make your Meta-Account (Quest/Quest2)
Meta account migration started on August 23, 2022 (US time), but it is a good idea to prepare a web browsing terminal at Guardian as a preliminary preparation.
■用意しなかった場合/If you didn’t prepare
At first, the administrator tried to deal with it on a PC outside the Guardian, but it got into trouble.
The phenomenon is that 1 to 4 are repeated endlessly.
①An 8-digit code is displayed in Quest2.
② Enter the code into your PC’s browser.
③ A message indicating that the connection was successfully established is displayed.
④ However, when you return to Quest2, the 8-digit code is displayed again.
Official guide
説明動画 (ミライス様, https://twitter.com/mirais_vr)
ハンドトラッキングの精度 / Hand tracking accuracy
Quest OS でハンドトラッキングが荒ぶる事があります。
Hand tracking may be unstable on Quest OS.
If you are wearing gloves or long sleeves that are a different color than your white or skin tone, remove them or try wearing white or skin tone gloves or sleeves.
Alternatively, there is a way to avoid white or skin-colored objects being reflected near your hands. (*Make the desk color blue/black)
A month has passed since the release of Quest3. In the area surrounding the administrator, there were many improvements that could be made with these.
よく使うツールをメニューに(Quest2, Quest3) / Add frequently used tools to the menu. (Quest2, Quest3)
・You can add icons for frequently used apps such as Virtual-Desktop and Steam-Link to your Quest home.